Voisine de Normandie
Patricia Segura’s new mare
“I have not yet had the opportunity to introduce you to Voisine de Normandie, my new 11 year old mare. She joined my team in Italy almost three months ago. We have just taken part in our first grand prix at Gorla during the last national. We are just getting to know each other. She is a mare who already has a lot of experience in beautiful events. Very calm and cold at first sight, she is not very interested in the flat. On the contrary, as soon as she sees bars, and after a few jumps, she changes her attitude, starts and becomes incredible with plenty of blood. At the stable, she is endearing and even gives a leg for carrots… For those who know me, I didn’t need that to be conquered. We still have work to do together, but I hope we’ll go far together”. Patricia Segura
Photos : sassofotografie.it