Spanish Jumping Championship 2022
First participation for Patricia Segura and Voisine de Normandie
October 2022 was the first time Patricia Segura and Voisine de Normandie participated in the Spanish Jumping Championship. The couple finished in a promising eleventh place on the first qualifying day, before unfortunately abandoning the second day of qualifying. A disappointment for Patricia Segura, but she is determined to return next year: “Voisine jumped very well. We still have work to do together to win this type of event. It’s only a postponement. A huge thank you to Luca Moneta for accompanying and coaching me this week. Thank you to the Italian team – Vittoria Facchinetti, Camilla Vittadini, Allissa Mattei and Nora Kuznik – for always being there for me! The stay in Spain continued for three weeks of Andalusia October Tour, with Voisine, Valseuse, Venutot and Chef (5 years old).
Photos : Moises Basallote