Concours de la Gambade 2019
A busy weekend
A busy weekend for the Segura Horse Team at the Manège de la Gambade for the must-see Geneva competition of the summer. Rankings for Sofia and Raison des Moulins, 6th and 3rd, in both BR 100s; Salomé and Othentic du Chêne, 6th, in Sunday’s BR 100; not to mention Nadine and Zo, 9th, in BR 90, Marie G. and D’aventure, 15th, in Friday’s BR100. A very promising course on Sunday for Sarah in BR 100 with Esprit du Grippel, 5 years old, for their second outing together. Congratulations to Dale for these two good courses in BR 90 and BR 100, to Marie C in R110 and to Céline for her tenacity in BR 100, and finally, a big thank you to the Bonvin family and the organizing committee for these 4 days of very successful competition. Next team competition: Yverdon from 13 to 15 September.
Photo: Alexandre Dhordain / Segura Horse Team + Photobujard.com pour Marie C avec Venus de la Warrande.